Community Ministries
Saturday Morning Worship and Breakfast
Saturdays at 9:00 am
We begin with a brief service of Morning Prayer followed by a Brown Bag Breakfast offered to all our neighbors. Our guests will be able to fill a shopping bag with items of their own selection, choosing from a variety that may include various pop top items such as Vienna sausage, sardines, fruit cups, water bottle, single-serve chips, cookies, and more.
To learn more, to donate, or to volunteer, please contact Melissa Bridgman or Dean Gary Meade.
Would you like to contribute? Click here for a printable shopping list of foods needed for this pop-top ministry. Thank you!
Servant Ministry Team
St. Mary's Servant Ministry Team has partnered with the St. Mary's MICAH (Memphis Interfaith Coalition for Action and Hope) team and so offers a diverse choice of ministries:
Downtown Elementary School-tutoring in reading, back-to-school Incentive Reward Extravaganza, Christmas Angel Tree and Undie Sunday
Volunteering for Constance Abbey and Pop-Tops
MICAH is a coalition of community and faith-based organizations joining together to give a more powerful voice for issues of justice in our city. Our current platform concentrates on three pillar issues, economic equity, education equity, and immigration & intercultural equity. We organize and speak to our community and its leaders, always seeking to "do justice, love mercy, and walk humbly with our God."
Michael & Sid Euty—Faithful Pop-top volunteers
West Tennessee Haiti Partnership
Haiti Mission Trip
We have a long and beautiful relationship with St. Vincent's School for Handicapped Children. Support the annual trips by donations of money, vitamins, and other items.
To keep up with the teams while they're in Haiti or to read about their experience there, please visit the blog.
Contact: Susan Nelson